About / Contact

“Aisling Mhor” means “Dream Big” or “Big Dream” in Irish Gaelic. Ferry-2015Our consulting, coaching, writing, and administrative services are designed to support your quest to achieve your big dreams – in business, projects, wellness, or life.

I am Julianne McGuinness, owner and principal consultant of Aisling Mhor. Originally from New Jersey, I lived in Wyoming, and then Alaska for 25 years.  In 2015, I returned to the East Coast to base near family.

In my consulting and coaching work, I draw upon my education in clinical psychology, as well as years of varied experience as a nonprofit leader, manager, scientist, small business owner, grant writer, event manager, artisan, and botanical chef.  I have had the unique privilege to serve as a Botanical Garden director and as a social worker in Manhattan, manage a community radio station, and work as a camp cook – with my campfire recipes featured on the Food Network.

I am a lifelong student of herbal medicine, an avid organic gardener, micro-farmer, and Master Gardener. I love to cook, farm, forage, and travel. One of my “big dreams” includes developing an organic garlic and medicinal herb farm in the future.

What is your Big Dream? How can I help you turn your inspirations, passions, and talents into meaningful results?